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NeoDym designed and developed an electromyography machine. EMG machines are used to measure nerve transmission and activity characteristics. Measurements can be the result of an applied stimulus (an Evoked Potential) or free-running measurement of nerve activity. The results are recorded by a computer, and diagnosed by a physician.

The Advantage 3000 Electromyography System was developed for Advantage Medical and CME Telemetrix, and represents a complete, ground-up design to replace an older machine. The new model is smaller, faster, and less expensive than its predecessors, and is available as both a lab-based and portable unit.

The Advantage 3000 is software-driven, providing the user with a system which is flexible, configurable, and fully reprogrammable. This allows it to meet the user's changing needs, and to accommodate downstream growth potential.


View the redesigned A3000

A3000 Lab Unit

A3000 Portable Unit

A3000 Control Panel

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